Wasabi P!

Let's Get It Started!

Call it a new start for a new semester. After a wacky summer that didn't have much structure, I'm looking forward to settling into something like a daily and weekly rhythm. This is going to be a busy semester, but hopefully a very profitable one in terms of my short- and long-range goals.

One of those goals is, of course, to keep up with a blog, both for myself and for my friends around the country and even around the world. Besides, so many of my friends locally are running their own blogs that I need to get this up in order to tell my side of the story.

In typical fashion, however, I set absurdly high expectations for this thing, including a fancy custom template and some kind of regular organization. I kept saying, I'll get to it, and, I should have this done over the weekend, and, I'll officially start things off on the first day of the new semester, and so on. But you know, it's probably best to just get things started and let the evolution happen over time.

So here we are. Let's get it started!


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