Weekend Recap
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Here are some links to stuff I found on the web this week that's worth a few seconds of your time.
- The "City" of Louisiana (from Bloggermann)
The video of Keith Olbermann delivering this rant on Countdown has become an Internet phenomenon, but the arguments are the same in this post to his MSNBC-hosted blog - Why Do People in New Orleans Talk That Way? (from Slate)
I've always found the New Orleans accents fascinating. Remember, New Orleans is more Creole than Cajun. - A Discussion on the History and Future of the Louisiana Superdome (from Flak Magazine)
- Why New Orleans Cell Phones Aren't Working (from Slate)
- The Republican War on Weather (from This Modern World)
Any doubts the Republicans will spin Katrina as a victory for the administration during the 2008 GOP convention? - "Fire crews to hand out fliers for FEMA" (from Salt Lake Tribune)
- Restaurant Management Sim Available for Japanese Mobile Phones (from Kotaku)
- The Prairie Home Companion (from PublicRadio.org)
Okay, this isn't new, but it's got streaming audio of years worth of shows, so it deserves a shout-out.
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