Wasabi P!

What spare time?

I've always meant to add some book, movie, and music recommendations to my blog, but for some reason I've never gotten around to it. I did add a review of the recent Peter Pan movie to my old blog, but I didn't like the idea of mixing real-life stuff with entertainments.

The new blog is called What Spare Time? There are only a couple of posts up over there right now, but I'm hoping to add more as time goes on. I certainly have a backlog of book reviews from when I was recouperating. My plan is to stay mainly positive, recommending things away from the bestsellers list, but I expect I'll put some popular things up here if I'm particularly excited about them.

The blog is currently set up as a team blog, so hopefully there will be a group of people adding recommendations and reviews. If you want to join in, send me an email and I'll be happy to add you to the team.


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